Part-Time Genius
Entertainment > Various
Education > Various

About the Podcast
In each episode, these Part-Time Geniuses dive headfirst into a seemingly ridiculous topic, collecting memorable facts, and uncovering secret histories in pursuit of genuine answers. Why—for instance, are economists betting on panda poop? And why does your belly button placement matter so much for sports? And what, if anything, do all of these facts have to do with NASCAR? Our hosts have no intention of connecting the dots alone. Listeners are welcome to pull up a chair and show off their smarts in lively quiz segments. And Will and Mango will be tapping some of their favorite brains-- scientists, comedians and authors, for help along the way. Think of it as a joyous romp down a rabbit hole: a late night chat, with audience participation and celebrity games, with plenty of fun baked in.
About the Host
Will Pearson and Mangesh Hattikudur
Will Pearson and Mangesh Hattikudur may only be part-time geniuses, but they’re lifelong knowledge junkies. In college, a series of late-night conversations led them to co-found Mental Floss, an award-winning magazine and website. Along the way, they’ve written books, created board games, and put a lot of terrifically bad jokes on t-shirts. Part-Time Genius is their newest adventure, built on the premise that learning is much more fun when it doesn’t feel like work.