Murder In Oregon

Host: Lauren Bright Pacheco
Podcast Samples:
Introducing Murder In Oregon

Prisoners Can Leave Whenever

About the Podcast

In January of 1989 the director of Oregon’s Department of Corrections, Michael Francke, was brutally stabbed to death outside his office in Salem. The murder was quickly ruled a “car burglary gone wrong” and pinned on a low-level drug dealer named Frank Gable, a man who Francke's own brother, Kevin, along with storied Oregon reporter Phil Stanford, believe has been wrongfully imprisoned for nearly 30 years. They contend Francke had uncovered a trail of corruption in the prison system— one that led to the top of Oregon’s political establishment. Murder In Oregon follows the two men on a decades-long journey, bordering on obsession, into Oregon’s drug and crime-infested underworld to answer one question: Who really killed Michael Francke?

About the Host

Lauren Bright Pacheco

Lauren Bright Pacheco is a New York City-based writer and producer who started out in news radio. Over the years she’s worked as a reporter, on-air television talent, newspaper columnist and magazine writer. She’s currently the Special Features Producer for the Dr. Oz Show, where she’s received three Emmy Awards. Her passion is sharing the stories that surround and connect us all.

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