Reality Life with Kate Casey
Entertainment > TV
Comedy > Various

About the Podcast
Every week comedian and author Kate Casey from recaps your favorite reality shows. Featured segments include funny episode recaps from famous and not as famous guests and interviews with reality stars of the past and present.
About the Host
Kate Casey
Kate Casey is a comedian, author, and host of Reality Life with Kate Casey. Kate writes reality television recaps and parenting humor. She is the author of You Know You Are Pregnant When… Funny Quotes From Women Who Have Been There. She is also a contributing writer for, Motherly, Scary Mommy and Hot Moms Club. Kate is a featured comic for US Weekly Fashion Police. She is a regular guest on Heather McDonald’s Juicy Scoop podcast and frequent contributor on FABlife on ABC. She and her husband and four kids live in Southern California. Originally from the Philadelphia suburbs she initially pursued a career in politics attending college in Washington DC and interning for Congressional, Senate, and presidential campaigns and at The White House. After 15 years providing media consulting to law firms (and giving birth to several children) she realized her dream was to write comedy. In her free time she enjoys working out, singing karaoke, and eating tacos. She believes mayonnaise is the devil’s condiment and strollers should be used to transport children and not small dogs wearing clothes and bedazzled necklaces.