Radio Ambulante
Spanish Language > Spanish - Various
Storytelling > Various

About the Podcast
Radio Ambulante is a Spanish-language podcast, distributed by NPR, that tells Latin American stories from anywhere Spanish is spoken, including the United States. Hosted by author Daniel Alarcón, Radio Ambulante is NPR’s only Spanish language podcast and delivers high-quality, long-form radio Latino stories while taking advantage of technology to produce, distribute and exchange those stories. Every Tuesday, the show covers stories of love and loss, migration and family and politics and culture. Radio Ambulante seeks to bring the aesthetic of high-quality longform journalism to radio. <hr> Radio Ambulante has worked with a talented community of storytellers and radio producers from different corners of the continent. They have produced stories from more than 20 countries, and partnered with English-language outlets like NPR’s Planet Money, Radiolab, The New York Times Magazine and This American Life.
About the Host
Daniel Alarcon
Daniel Alarcón, host of NPR’s Radio Ambulante, was born in Lima, Peru and raised in the United States. In addition to his role as Executive Producer for Radio Ambulante, Alarcón teaches radio and writing at the Columbia University School of Journalism. He studied Creative Writing at the Iowa Writers Workshop. Alarcón began his career in journalism working for the award-winning Peruvian magazine Etiqueta Negra, covering American culture and politics and serving as Associate Editor. He began writing for magazines like Harper’s, The New York Times Magazine, and The New Yorker. Alarcón’s books include War by Candlelight, a finalist for the 2005 PEN-Hemingway Award, and Lost City Radio, named a 2007 Best Novel of the Year by the San Francisco Chronicle and The Washington Post. His most recent novel, At Night We Walk in Circles, was a finalist for the 2014 PEN/Faulkner Award. He is a recipient of a Lannan Literary Prize, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and a Fulbright Fellowship. In Fall of 2017, Alarcón released released two books, including his highly-anticipated story collection – The King is Always Above the People. He is currently based in New York.