From The Top
Host: Various Hosts
Entertainment > Music
Entertainment > Various
Entertainment > Music
Entertainment > Various

Risk Taking

Galop-March for Eight Hands
About the Podcast
From the Top is America’s largest national platform celebrating the stories, talents, and character of young classically-trained musicians. NPR's From the Top showcases the music, stories, and unique humor of America's best young classical musicians. Through this podcast (in addition to a myriad of other platforms), From The Top empowers these extraordinary young people to engage and inspire music lovers of all ages.
About the Host
Various Hosts
There are various hosts for this program.
From the Top was concieved by Jennifer Hurley-Wales and Gerald Slavet. Back in the late 1990’s, when Jennifer and Gerald were both involved with New England Conservatory (NEC) and the NEC Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, they saw many wonderful, talented young classically-trained musicians who never talked about their success. They traveled overseas to win huge competitions but they never told their friends about it because it wasn’t “cool.” They began to ask themselves, “why doesn’t America celebrate these kids like we do our young athletes? They’re not that different – the training, discipline, and commitment are incredible”. One day, after an unsuccessful meeting exploring new uses for a newly-restored Jordan Hall, they mused “wouldn’t it be fun to do a Prairie Home Companion style show with young musicians?” And that was the beginning. Christopher O’Riley came on board about a year later and now there are nearly 350 episodes that have been recorded and are carried by more than 200 stations nationwide.
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