The Trek Files: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
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Entertainment > TV

About the Podcast
Your weekly deep-dive into the archives of Roddenberry Entertainment, from the personal files of Gene Roddenberry. Each week, “Dr. Trek” himself, Larry Nemecek, and his guest host will look behind the scenes at documents that haven’t been viewed in decades, many being revealed publicly for the very first time!
About the Host
Larry "Dr. Trek" Nemecek
Larry "Dr. Trek" Nemecek "works in Trekland"--which is not only shorthand for all his Trek writing, talking, preserving and filming...but it's a mighty fine blog name for thoughts and guest vidchats at and YouTube. Author of the classic Star Trek: Next Generation Companion and Stellar Cartography maps/book set, Larry was award-winning Star Trek Continues' original Dr. McCoy and its Creative Consultant for all 11 episodes--and he takes global Trek fans backstage every month with his pioneering PORTAL 47 deep-dive live/online insider package, plus weekly visits hosting THE TREK FILES from Roddenberry Podcast Network. He's also on Facebook with Trekland Tuesdays LIVE each week at 1 pm Pacific, opining and interacting with fans.