The Uncertain Hour
Host: Krissy Clark
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Introducing The Uncertain Hour

Welfare, Pursuing Education Vs Working
About the Podcast
In “The Uncertain Hour” podcast, host Krissy Clark dives into one controversial topic each season to reveal the surprising origin stories of our economy. She digs into history, policy and human stories to help make sense of "making it" in America. Because the things we fight the most about are the things we know the least about.
About the Host
Krissy Clark
Her reporting has appeared on "99% Invisible," "Reveal," Slate, "Freakonomics," "Pop-Up Magazine," NPR's “Morning Edition" and "All Things Considered," and the BBC.
What was your first job? The highly gendered job of babysitting.
In your next life, what would your career be? Oyster farmer.
What’s your most memorable Marketplace moment? Jumping from a flying trapeze for a story about the social safety net.
What’s the favorite item in your workspace and why? Some handwritten thank-you notes from listeners, the Krispy Kreme mug an old colleague gave me and the pictures of my kids.