Lost In America
Gaming, Travel, Hobbies > Travel
Comedy > Various

About the Podcast
Comedian Turner Sparks just got married and has moved home to America after twelve years living in China. Writer Michael Kaplan has two kids, a wife, a job and has spent his entire life in the USA. Neither one can figure their country out.
About the Host
Turner Sparks and Michael Ira Kaplan
Born and raised in California, Turner Sparks spent the last twelve years of his life living in Suzhou, China. While there he founded the country's first ice cream truck brand (Mister Softee) and Mainland China's first stand up comedy club (Kung Fu Komedy Club). Now he is back in the US and can't figure out how to do anything "American" like separate recycling, run a dishwasher or write a check. Michael Ira Kaplan has spent his adult-life as the right hand man one of New York's most famous actors/ celebrities, and thought he had life figured out until his kids came along. Now he is coaching kids soccer (a game which he has never played), applying for New York City pre-schools and losing his kids every fifteen minutes. Turner is a world-touring stand up comedian who has won a few awards while performing in over 15 countries. He can be found at www.TurnerSparks.com and at https://twitter.com/TurnerBSparks Kap has worked on ton of major films like and tweets regularly. He can be found at https://twitter.com/KapinAmerica This podcast was recently called “Exceptional and Noteworthy” by SplitSider.com, so take that.