Combat Vet Vision
Storytelling > Interviews
Health & Fitness > Mental Health

About the Podcast
Aaron Q. Seibert aka "Chief" discusses issues veterans during the transition back into society after leaving the military. Through Interviews and opinion pieces this eye-opening show has helped to bridge the gap our veterans face.
About the Host
Sitch Radio
Aaron Q. Seibert having 3 Combat tours now serves as a Wounded Warrior Liaison, Vice President of the Warrior Built Foundation and heads the West Coast offices of the PTSD Foundation of America providing Peer-to-Peer PTSD Discussion. Aaron is a Keynote speaker for multiple Military, Civilian and non-profit organizations in supporting the needs of our Combat Veterans and educating the public. Bringing his experiences and expertise to the Public he has launched “Combat Vet Vision”, An on-demand internet radio show to expand his reach with the goal of helping more and more Vet’s.