Economics & Finance > Finance
Economics & Finance > Various

About the Podcast
Money goes where it's treated best. That simple truth is a big reason why more and more money—trillions, in fact—flows into a powerful, low-cost tool that's quietly transformed investing in recent years. Exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, let you invest in everything from the stock market to gold like never before. This biweekly podcast will demystify them—and delight you in the process.
About the Host
Joel Weber & Eric Balchunas
Joel Weber was named editor of Bloomberg Businessweek in January 2018. Most recently he was the editor of Bloomberg Markets magazine, which he re-launched in 2016 as a bi-monthly publication. ERIC BALCHUNAS is a senior ETF analyst at Bloomberg, where he has over a decade of experience working with ETF data, designing new functions and writing ETF research for the Bloomberg terminal.