This Humean Life with The Philosophical Coach
Spirituality & Philosophy > Mindfulness
Self-Help > Various

About the Podcast
This Humean Life with The Philosophical Coach is hosted by Sam Kukathas. Philosopher, Hume expert, and high performance coach. At its core it's about navigating the complexities of being human, giving you the opportunity to go beyond any view of who you think you are really. In freeing yourself from finding your purpose or who you are, there is a space for creating a life free from constraint. The ideas are drawn from neuroscience, philosophy, Sam's coaching, working with elite leaders, and experience. You can expect candour, vulnerability unfamiliar ideas and some you disagree with.
About the Host
Sam Kukathas
Sam Kukathas, the founder of The Philosophical Coach, spent 17 years studying, researching and teaching philosophy at many of the most prestigious universities in the world, including the Australian National University, King’s College London, London School of Economics, and the University of Oxford. Sam is known for his relentless pursuit of further mastering what it looks like to live a life free from constraint. He takes this on in any area of life, where constraint shows up. Sam has spent the last four years dedicated to transformative learning, where he honed his craft as a coach through training with the Apple of the professional and personal development industry. This has included completing the most rigorous, challenging, and transformative leadership programs worldwide. Since then he has gone on to work with the most groundbreaking coaches, leaders, and experts in the human condition of the last 50 years. This included working with a leader who has shaped the entire transformation industry. He currently works with the Foundation for Ontological Leadership Education on the latest developments in the effective exercise of leadership. It is the power of Sam’s listening that makes him so widely regarded as a coach. There is nothing in the world which he values more than transforming people’s lives. It is a privilege he will never tire of nor ever take for granted.