The Upgrade by Lifehacker
Host: Melissa Kirsch & Alice Bradley

How To Be Productive

How To Improve Memory
About the Podcast
Melissa Kirsch & Alice Bradley of Lifehacker bring in all-star guests to tackle the stuff that matters—like how to be happy, how to buy a TV & how to be better with money. They’ll help listeners upgrade their way of life, while also recommending the best new smartphone upgrade.
About the Host
Melissa Kirsch & Alice Bradley
Melissa Kirsch is the editor-in-chief of Lifehacker and author of The Girl's Guide (Workman Publishing, 2015). The book was originally published as The Girl's Guide to Absolutely Everything in 2007 and was revised and updated in 2015. She lives in Brooklyn.
Alice Bradley is a writer living in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband, her son, her dog, and her cat. She writes short fiction, personal essays, humor, and feature articles. Alice has created content for all kinds of publications and brands. Bradley has been writing Finslippy since 2004. In the beginning she wrote about parenting, but these days she writes about creativity, art, mental health, her surly cat and hilarious dog, and whatever is going in her life. As of May 2017, Bradley is the deputy editor at Lifehacker. Bradley has a podcast with Deanna Zandt called The League of Awkward Unicorns, It's about mental illness (depression, anxiety, etc. etc.) and emotional wellness (things that help, whether it's medication, exercise, or wrapping oneself up in a Snuggie while binge-watching The Mindy Project). We were called "funny, frank, and accessible" by the Guardian. Find us on iTunes here. She co-authored a book called LET'S PANIC ABOUT BABIES! with the beloved Eden Marriott Kennedy. It was published by St. Martin's Press, and she's quite proud of it.