Religion > Christianity
How To > Various

About the Podcast
If God spoke to you during the active part of your day...would you notice? Part of our mission is to help you actively listen! The Power Of God's Whisper podcast will help you be a better listener, not just to God, but to everyone around you as well. Listening is a lost art, and when we cultivate the ability to listen deeply to God in prayer, we've suddenly found the secret ingredient that unlocks hearing His voice in the scriptures...and in life.
About the Host
Matthew and Michelle Adams
My name is Matthew Adams and I am one of the co-founders of "My Reasons To Believe" (MyR2B). And I would like to share my testimony as to why I believe and why MyR2B. First I would like to start off by saying I was not raised a Christian. I was told when I could first understand words...was that I was a Catholic. All I knew was that during Easter, Christmas, and several other days of the year I had to put on these special clothes I could not play in, go to a place that smelled funny, (I think it was because it was filled with a BUNCH of old people that liked to talk to me like I was not there. Okay...let's skip a few years...