The Love What Matters Podcast
Spirituality & Philosophy > Inspirational
Storytelling > True Stories

About the Podcast
We deliver your weekly dose of smiles, tears, and goosebumps. Real people, real stories, real love. Warning: we believe compassion is contagious; listening to this podcast may inspire you to join our movement for good. Our community celebrates the special moments in life to make us #LoveWhatMatters.
About the Host
Amy tells the stories from the Love What Matters community to remind us all that love ALWAYS wins. Amy is married to a pilot, who served 12 years in the Air Force and once even safely crash-landed a faulty plane in a lake! Amy is a strong supporter of the men and women who serve our country. Amy and her husband have one dog, Josie and are in the process of adopting 2 beautiful children from Haiti. Amy also works with orphans in the U.S., Africa and Haiti. She believes in the power of love to inspire, support and unite one another.