Political Gabfest
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About the Podcast
At this time, Political Gabfest’s episodes are focusing on the topic of COVID-19. Voted “Favorite Political Podcast” by iTunes listeners. Stephen Colbert says "Everybody should listen to the Slate Political Gabfest." The Gabfest, featuring Slate's Emily Bazelon, John Dickerson, and David Plotz, is the kind of informal and irreverent discussion Washington journalists have after hours over drinks.
About the Host
David Plotz, Emily Bazelon and John Dickerson
David Plotz is an American journalist and is currently the CEO of Atlas Obscura, an online magazine devoted to discovery and exploration. A writer with Slate since its inception in 1996, Plotz was the online magazine's editor from June 2008 until July 2014. Emily Bazelon is an American journalist, staff writer for The New York Times Magazine, and a senior research fellow at Yale Law School. Her work as a writer focuses on law, women, and family issues. John Dickerson is the host of Face the Nation on CBS News, the political director of CBS News, and a political columnist for Slate magazine. Before hosting Face the Nation, he was the longtime Chief Political Correspondent at Slate. Before joining Slate, Dickerson covered politics at Time magazine for 12 years, serving the last four years as their White House correspondent.