inHoPE Podcast

Host: Nathaniel "Preach" Smith

About the Podcast

Pastor Nathaniel Smith, aka Preach, invites you into conversations about faith, ministry, and leadership with special guests, such as Dusty Benner of City Network, Joel Wendland of Southern Idaho Ministry Network, and Pami Young of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, to address how we can strengthen unity in the body of Christ.

About the Host

Nathaniel "Preach" Smith

Nathaniel and inHoPE are dedicated to strengthening unity in the body of Christ. With years of leadership experience and education, he is passionate about teaching how we can and ought to "walk in a manner worthy of the calling" (Eph 4:2) we have received. He specializes in speaking on and encouraging unity, collaboration, and Christlike leadership and followership. He is a Father and Husband, Ordained Minister, Veteran, former law enforcement, Certified Fitness Trainer, Life Coach, and doctoral candidate for Organizational Leadership.

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