Humanity Evolving
Self-Help > Various
Spirituality & Philosophy > Various

About the Podcast
Driven realities into the abyss, of societal constraints and Divine matrimony. Over 40years of life as the best tutor, we learned much. Mystical, psychological and very educational, no matter your age.
About the Host
Jim D.R
from childhood, he matured to acknowledge his was flawed, led him into drink and drugs and naivety, led him to drink drive. Adulthood was entered with a disability, he must learn anew the 3rd time in life, society conditions, brain damage beckons. A Divine light is with him throughout, which roared in rehab and continued for decades. Fairy tale childhood destroyed, relocation destroyed his roots, off the rails he drives after drinking, disability destroyed his adolescence, mental health destroyed his early adulthood, Spiritual followed his entire life. And he still searches and Finds God