Grownups Read Things They Wrote As Kids

Host: Dan Misener
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About the Podcast

Travel back in time to remember the good, bad, and awkward parts of growing up. Recorded live on stage, adults share the weird and wonderful things they wrote as children and teens. Embarrassing, moving, and hilarious, these readings are powerful reminders of who we used to be. The Guardian says "it has much charm," while Splitsider describes GRTTWaK as "equal parts cringe-worthy and cathartic."

About the Host

Dan Misener

Dan Misener was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia and now lives in Toronto, Ontario with his wife, Jenna. He is a podcast, radio and story producer and head of audience development at Pacific Content. For ten years, I was a public radio staffer at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Then he started a reading series and podcast called Grownups Read Things They Wrote as Kids. Dan teaches audio production in the RTA School of Media at Ryerson University and the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto. He was in a rock and roll band called The Canaries, and now is in a rock and roll band called The Sweat. Along with his pal Tristan, he produced a video podcast called Jim Dupree: Enthusiast. That led to a television series called HoTTT TopiXXX.

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