Big Fat Facts Podcast
Health & Fitness > Health & Wellness
Health & Fitness > Mental Health

About the Podcast
Dr. Dan and Ivana, two friends, pharmacists and business partners living in different provinces in Canada co-hosting weekly episodes to talk about the big facts of life, obesity management and how to live a happier and healthier lifestyle. Let them connect you with the science and evidence on "Fat Facts Friday" as they are joined by other experts to explore different topics. Tune in "Mindful Mondays" as the duo is joined by Clinical Counselor Kelly Moen to connect you with yourself, and don't miss out on guest appearances from real people who share their own stories as you connect with the community around you.
About the Host
Dr. Dan Burton is the founder of Healthcare Evolution and a clinical pharmacist based in Calgary, AB. He graduated from the University of Alberta with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy in 2016 and received his Doctor of Pharmacy in 2017. Throughout his career, his passion for mental health, diabetes, and obesity management grew and he obtained designations as a Certified Bariatric Educator (CBE) and a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE). Co-Host Ivana Anusic is a community pharmacist In Winnipeg, Manitoba graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 2011 and obtained her designation as a Certified Bariatric Educator (CBE) in 2019. Then she became a co-founder of Healthcare Evolution, where she has the opportunity to pursue her genuine interest and passion in guiding others towards the evolution of their health.